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Nov/Dec 2024
The Community Issue
The Importance of Wetlands On Galveston Island
Wetlands are areas where water covers the soil all year or during certain seasons. They include marshes, swamps, bogs, and similar environme
My Eyedentity
It was the second week of my junior year and my English teacher had assigned us to define our identity. I like to think I have everything...
Brain Unplugged
I know my brain isn’t normal. Do I think I’m neurodivergent? No. But whatever’s going on up there isn’t programmed like the “average...
Featured Artist: Kai Syng Tan
At first glance, Kai Syng Tan’s colorful tapestry Magic Carpet (2017) is an explosion of colors, patterns, and motifs that draws you into...
Neurodiversity Resources
EARLY CHILDHOOD RESOURCES: EARLY CHILDHOOD INTERVENTION Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) is a statewide program within the Texas Health...
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